The Benefits of Using Papaya Face Mask

The Benefits of Using Papaya as a Face Mask:

The topical use of unripe papaya can heal chronic skin ulcers and its protease enzymes promote healing and soothe irritated skin.

  • It helps increase collagen production in the skin. making it soft, firm, and supple.

  • Ripe papaya can act as a mild exfoliator to gently remove dead skin cells, improves skin tone, and lightens dark spots or blemishes to reveal radiant and younger-looking skin.

  • The potassium content can hydrate the skin and protect against becoming dull or dry.

  • Papaya may protect the skin from harmful free radicals responsible for premature ageing.

  • It is said to clear dirt and oil that leads to acne
  • and breakouts.
  • Papaya contains flavonoids making it excellent antibacterial and antifungal agent.
  • It is suitable for all skin types.


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